Friday, November 8, 2013

Adoption Awareness Month and some AMAZING Announcements!

It's November, Adoption Awareness Month! That means we are selling every Sunday this November! Woohoo!

Alrighty, so we are super pumped to announce that we have been invited to sell at Glasgow Church for the next three Sundays! Please stop by our table after the sermon!


Ready for some AMAZING news?!


We are adopting again from China! 

Our new goal is to raise money to bring her home! Please please support us by making a donation or buying a craft! Our goal is to raise at LEAST $2000 to put towards adopting her! I know it sounds crazy but with God anything is possible! And we can't do it without YOU! Oh, we are so excited :)


My family has put together a SPECTACULAR FUNDRAISER!!!!!!!!!!!!

It is amazing! There are three HUGE bundles! One of them is Adoption themed. Another is Mommy and Me themed. Another is Christmas themed!!!! WOW! :)

You can make an entry and all the proceeds will be going towards adopting my new sister! We would REALLY appreciate it if you would make an entry!

Stay tuned for our announcement of a T-shirt fundraiser which we will launch in about a week!!!



We have NEW INVENTORY! (And we are working on writing a new inventory post)

We have new styles of bracelets, a lot of new duct tape colors/patterns, and new wallets/purse designs! And we have an awesome new addition to our inventory...

Our awesome, artistic friend who actually lives in China has donated so many GORGEOUS art prints and paintings! Cheyenne, you are such a blessing! Thank you! Your paintings are beautiful!
 here is an example of her paintings:



This month is SUPER EXCITING! We would REALLY appreciate it if you would donate and/or purchase crafts/bracelets/paintings and if you would enter our family's Fundraiser!!!

We hope to see you at our table! Thank you for reading

Contact us if you want to know more!

God bless,
~ Crafts for China's Orphans!